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Lynn led company-wide customer experience transformation for many years at Applied Materials and Sonoco Products where her roles included VoC Manager, Customer Satisfaction Improvement Manager, Marketing Director, and Head of Corporate Quality (CCO). 

Lynn has coined many CX phrases, including 4 Gold CX Leader Metrics, Insights Usage Rate, Core-Growth Customers, Expectations VoC, Almost-Free VoC, Realities VoC, 3 Levels of CX Improvement, 6 A's of CX Success, CX Value Quotient, and CX Annuities. You can get her weekly CX ROI how-to guide by subscribing to

Lynn is Chief Customer Officer of ClearAction Continuum, creator of Experience Leadership Mastery, and co-founder of the Walk The Talk Forum: Growth=CX=EX subscription community to master the 6 A's of multiplying CX value. It's the perfect companion to your CXPA membership!

Her Experience Leadership Mastery curriculum is the perfect way to start CXM, or gently course-correct, or pivot. It modernizes CXM beyond 2010s methods to get in-sync with 2020s urgencies for shared trust, values, and value, both internally and externally. Hallmarks of ClearAction Continuum's resources are (1) continual connection to how your Senior Leadership Team thinks, (2) empowering ALL non-customer-facing work groups to prevent CX issues, and (3) multi-layered value in short bites for your ongoing value in revisiting it. Experience Leadership Mastery allows everyone in your CXM chain of command, from new college grads to experts and execs, to rapidly get in-sync with this modernized CXM mindset and approach.

Rave reviews are the norm for her Mastermind sessions and courses for corporate boards and C-suites, as well as CX+EX+PX experts and execs, XM for all experience managers, and internal influence skills. Some courses have been translated to Arabic, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.  

Lynn designed the world's first Journey to Marketing Operations Maturity benchmarking study. She has also designed a unique customer health score model and a customer experience transformation maturity model, assessment and roadmap. Her 5-year study was first ever to benchmark B2B customer experience practices globally. 

Lynn is a past CXPA Board member and former co-leader of numerous CXPA committees, panelist and moderator of Insight Exchange sessions, and presenter at various CXPA local networking events (Toronto, DC, . . .). ClearAction was a corporate founding member of CXPA. Lynn is currently leading the CXPA Phoenix local networking committee.

Her CCXP course was first to receive CXPA’s Authorized Resource & Training designation. For 9 years she was a CXPA Recognized Training Provider. Lynn earned her California teaching credential and taught 25 courses at UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz Extensions, San Jose State University and Mission College.

She is past president of Silicon Valley AMA, earning a Chapter Excellence Award. She earned her MBA from Vanderbilt University, and she is a Professional Certified Marketer, Certified Quality Manager, Certified MBTI Practitioner, and Certified Customer Experience Professional.

Lynn is author of 3 handbooks available on Amazon, including Innovating Superior Customer Experience. She was #1 author of 2015, 2017, and 2023 on, and she is 1 of 12 featured columnists. Lynn is 1 of 5 recipients of CustomerThink's Hall of Fame Award. She is named in numerous influencers lists, including Top 30 Customer Service Professionals and Top 25 Customer Success Influencers. 

CXPA Recognized Training Provider 2015-2023
CXPA Phoenix Network Leadership Council 2021-present
CXPA Board of Directors 2017-2020
CXPA Instructor, Customer Journey Mapping live online course 2016
CXPA Extra Mile Award 2015
CXPA MVP Award 2014
♦ CX Experts Panel Member 2013-16
♦ Co-Chair: CXPA Innovation Awards 2015, CX Day Online Events 2014 & 2015, CX Day Social Media 2016
♦ Insights Exchange: Unwound Session Moderator 2013 & 2015, Show-and-Tell Table Anchor 2013, Unwound Session Co-Chair 2013, Office Hours 2014-16 
♦ CXPA CX Tools Committee 2012, contributor of 3 CX Tools to CXPA
♦ CXPA Corporate Founding Member 2011

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